1e Grootmoeder Ishnatae, Ancient Stone Grandmother

5e Grandmother Wawa-Sha We, Grandmother of Peace, Messenger of the White Animals

7e Grandmother Otoncha Shei, Spiral Dancer

8e Grandmother Ohm-ma, Grandmother of the Void

9th Grandmother Awa Pia, Night Owl Grandmother

10e Grandmother Piya, Guardian of Earth Knowledge and Plant Medicines

11e Grandmother Montou, Timeless One

12th Grandmother, Awak Shema, Stardancer

13e Grandmother, Shankashae Awanie, Grandmothers Heartbeat

Christel Hoppenbrouwers, De 13 Grootmoeders
1)Ishnatae – 1e Grandmother  Ancient Stone Grandmother
2) Eniska -2e Grandmother Womb Grandmother
3) Wambasa – 3e Grandmother Clan Grandmother
4) Tewate – 4e Grandmother Messenger from the Star Nations, Keeper of Grandmother wisdom
5) Wawa-ShaWe – 5e Grandmother Grandmother of Peace, Messenger of the White Animals
6) Te Wanee – 6e Grandmother  Grandmother of the Earth Spirits, Guardian of Life
7) Otoncha Shei – 7e Grandmother Spiral Dancer
8) Ohm Ma – 8e Grandmother Grandmother of the Void
9) Awa Pia – 9e Grandmother Night Owl Grandmother
10) Piyah – 10e Grandmother Guardian of Earth Knowledge and Plant Medicines
11) Montu-  11e Grandmother Timeless One
12) Awak Shema – 12e Grandmother  Stardancer
13) Shankashae Awanie – 13e Grandmother Grandmothers Heartbeat

Bron Namen 13 Grootmoeders, Judith Moore.

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